Long Trips 4-7 days allowing more in depth experience of the desert

The White Desert Circuit

The White Desert is justifiably the most well- known desert destination in Egypt- and for good reason. For sheer quantity of unearthly and beautiful wind-carved rock formations it is unequalled in any desert in the world. It also enjoys easy access from the road- some of the best camp spots being only a couple of kilometers from the asphalt- though you would never know that.

Monoliths and canyons

Coming along the road from Bahariya you will be struck by the huge inselbergs, monoliths that look like rockets on the launch pad and the hunched shoulders of giants. This area between the road
and the escarpment edge, which runs pretty much parallel to the road is a great place for exploring. 

The Sphinx Valley

Further along the road to Ain Dalla on the right is the incredible valley of the sphinxes- natural sphinxes that again confirm the origin of Pharaonic art in the natural forms of the Western Desert.


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